Pro-Russian hackers attacked PKP Cargo's website in Poland. The website is not working

A group of pro-Russian hackers, operating under the name "NoName057(16)," has for months been attacking websites and services in countries that actively support Ukraine in its fight against the Russian invasion. One of the latest targets was the website of Poland's largest rail freight operator PKP Cargo.

Pro-Russian hackers attacked PKP Cargo's website in Poland. The website is not working

A group of pro-Russian hackers, operating under the name "NoName057(16)," has for months been attacking websites and services in countries that actively support Ukraine in its fight against the Russian invasion. One of the latest targets was the website of Poland's largest rail freight operator PKP Cargo.

As the CyberKnown channel reported on Twitter, pro-Russian hackers boasted a DDoS attack on PKP Cargo's servers, resulting in the website disappearing from the web for several minutes, and later having trouble functioning properly.

According to the hackers, the PKP Cargo website suffered because it is a "Russophobic portal."

The NoName057(16) group is considered part of Russia's cyber army, which supports pro-Russian activities in the online space. In the past, victims of their attacks have included the websites of the Austrian army and a British munitions manufacturer. All attacks are carried out using the primitive but briefly effective DDoS method, which "clogs" a website with fake entries, preventing real Internet users from using the site.

As of this Moment, the site has returned to proper operation.

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