Terms & Conditions

DeutscheSec.com Website Terms and Conditions (Regulanmin)

1 Scope of the Site.

The following terms and conditions apply to the rules of https://www.deutschesec.com or https://deutschesec.com.

2. rules for posting Articles and information

The DeustcheSec.com website provides information services including: Press Articles, Specialized Articles, Information, Information Data, Templates and everything related to the section: IT / IT CYBERSECURITY / PENTEST / HACKING and other related. 

3. contract language, storage of contract text

The language of DesutcheSec website is English as the main language, additional language is German.

4. DesutcheSec will make every effort to ensure that the quality of translations is of the highest standard, however, in accordance with the principle of "No mistake is made by those who make no mistake", omissions or errors may occur. DeutscheSec reserves the right to correct them, and declares that they in no way constitute grounds for a claim of any kind whatsoever. Any organization or governmental body, individual or other institution accessing or browsing this site confirms that it waives any claims against DesutcheSec and its Partners. 

5. Materials posted on the Site may come from third-party providers who, by posting their Articles or information, have consented to their posting or processing. DeutscheSec reserves the right to reproduce and redistribute them, including in translated form. 

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